• 27 November 2014

    A Belfast school has apologised after complaints were made about a worksheet on religious views on homosexuality.
    Hunterhouse College in Belfast has withdrawn the worksheet after the father of […]

  • This Week’s Portion #16
    Beshalach | בשלח | “When he let go/When he sent” በለቀቀ ጊዜ | beleq’eq’e gize
    *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download!
    1. Torah Reading
    Exodus 13:17-17 […]

  • This Week’s Portion #15
    Bo | בוא | “Enter!/Come” ግባ | G’bba [Gibba]
    *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download!
    1. Torah Reading
    Exodus 10:1-13:16

    1.1First reading — E […]

  • This Week’s Portion #14
    Va’era | וארא | “And I appeared” ተገለጥሁ | tegelleT’hu
    *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download!
    1. Torah Reading
    Exodus 6:2-9:35

    1.1Firs […]

  • Smoking to Stay Young
    One of a kind
    What if I told you that smoking pot would let you live to the ripe age of 95, would you start consuming every day? Well I’m not going to say that’s exactly what happens but […]

  • By the Rivers of Babylon Lyrics in Amharic

    Our Father Prayer In Amharic | EOTC Version የአባታችን ሆይጸሎት

    Amharic and Hebrew – Ethiopic Code […]

  • Our Father Prayer In Amharic & English (EOTC Version)

    Our Father Prayer In Amharic
    EOTC Version

    Educational Gifts & Services offers inspiring […]

  • Learn Amharic Basic Words Part 1

    Learn Amharic Basic Words Part 2

    Numbers in Amharic

    Amharic AlphaBet In ABC Style
    Educational Gifts & Services […]

  • This Week’s Portion #13
    Shemot | שמות | “Names” ስሞች | S’moch [Simoch]
    *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download!
    1. Torah Reading
    Exodus 1:1-6:1

    1.1First reading — Exodu […]

  • This Week’s Portion #12
    Vayechi | ויחי | “And he lived” ተቀመጠ […የሕይወቱ] | teq’emmeT’e […Ye-Hiywetu]
    *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download!

    1. Torah […]

  • This Week’s Portion #11
    Vayigash | ויגש | “And he drew near (He approached)” ቀረበ | Q’errebe
    *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download!
    1. Torah Reading
    Gene […]

  • This Week’s Portion #10
    Miketz | מקץ | “At the end of” በኋላም | BeKhw’allam
    *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download!
    1. Torah Reading
    Genesis  […]

  • This Week’s Portion #9
    Vayeshev | וישב | “And he settled” በኖረበት…ተቀመጠ | Benorebet… teq’emmeT’e
    *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download!
    1. Torah Reading
    Genesis 37:1-40:23 […]

  • Free PDF Magazine | Selassie’s Message to Negro Americans – Ebony Magazine, December 1963
    ~EBONY is the flagship magazine of Johnson Publishing. Founded in 1945 by John H. Johnson, it still maintains the […]

  • This Week’s Portion #8
    Vayishlach | וישלח | “And he sent” ላከ | Lakke
    *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download!
    1. Torah Reading
    Genesis 32:3-36:43

    1.1First reading — Gen […]

  • Free PDF Magazine | Haile Selassie I, Africa’s Last King – Jet Magazine, October 2, 1952
    ~The weekly source of African American political and entertainment news.~

    Donate and Suport […]

    HEBREW EQUIVALENT (Masoretic Text, MT)

    አምላክ (Gen. 2:4, note)
    አቤቱ / እግዚአብሔር (Gen. 15:2,4,6-8 note)
    ጌታ (Gen. 23:6, note)
    ጌ […]

  • This Week’s Portion #7
    Vayetzei | ויצא | “And he went out” ወጥቶ | weTT’to [weTito]
    *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download!

    1. Torah Reading
    Genesis […]

  • This Week’s Portion #6
    Toldot | תולדות | “Generations/Family history” ትውልድም [ይህ ነው] | Twldm/Tiwlidim [y’h’new]
    *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download!
    1. Torah Reading
    Gen […]

  • The Biblical Antiquities of the Black (Hamitic) Race
    “The Antiquities of the Black (Hamitic) Race” A 40 year old series first published in 1970s issue of Muhammad Speaks, was named Rafiyq Ahmed Abdul-Hamiyd (fo […]

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